Monique era una actriz sin complejos y con una sensibilidad erótica importante, pero probar a hacer porno del malo me parece excesivo para la imagen de una actriz medianamente "formal". Después de ésto trabajaría poco más hasta su retiro en 2003.
Monique Gabrielle - great body. But, she never acquired a lover in her life that was experienced enough to train her how to give oral sex. She was always riding on her good looks and she never got any juicy acting roles that made her stand out.
I hate when people complain about prime years, everbody gets old get over it you're not living in a fantasy space that people takes pills or drinks to make them always young... This is not a Sci-Fi movie lmfao
You can also see her nude in Deathstalker II. If I recall from way back then she only did hardcore stuff with her husband. She did a lot of softcore. In her prime there was nothing better though.